In a nut shell
Every business needs to communicate to their customers. The visuals that accompany communication leave a lasting impression, an instinctually understand about how a business performs. The interactions customers have with a business build on this experience.
At Lemon Squirrel, we believe purpose driven by creativity gives momentum to success. We take pride in creating well written words, combining them with well executed design, to create a purpose, an identity, a visual communications that tells the story of the brand’s intent. We work with our clients to streamline their words, images and interactions to building a cohesive customer experience that delivers on their unique brand promise. We provide our clients with branding tools tailored to their needs, so they can successfully deliver on their brand promise propelling their successes.
Choosing inspiration over competition for a stronger community and a healthier way to do business.
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Unified by a love for the Earth and the people who live in it.
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Connecting through cohabitation and shared experience.
Eu alia civibus imperdiet eos. Id eos blandit apeirian interpretaris. Quas consulatu pri ex. Iudico prompta ne vix, usu ne vero persius quaerendum, et ius autem sanctus. Ius no libris constituto, soleat praesent nec ex. Movet alterum ullamcorper sit ei, ne sit appetere forensibus, eam at facilisi inimicus.